Reflections Summer 2024
“Your Comfort is Crippling Your Capability!”
Proverbs 1:29-33, "...Carelessness Kills; Complacency is Murder..." (MSG)
(Our guest writer for the Summer Edition is Dr Shermaine of SYS Ministries)
I have quite a few social media sites.
With that said, unfortunately it gives people the misconception that I’m Ms. Technology, when that couldn’t be further from the truth! For instance, as much as I use my cellphone, I know very little about how it really functions, or how to use it to its full capacity. And the reason why?
Because outside of making a call, receiving a call, or sending a text, I really don’t care to know much else! However, I’ve come to find out that is to my own loss. You see, truth is, there are so many buttons and gadgets that I really don’t want to take the time to figure them out.
Honestly, I look at them and simply ignore them. And what makes matters worse is that my phone wasn’t just handed to me. It came in a box with a Manual for Maximum Usage! Have I read the manual? Absolutely not!
Finally, I got tired of everybody telling me how awesome my phone is and all the great things it’s capable of doing.
So I enlisted the help of one of my IT guys to pick his brain. And to my amazement, I could not believe all the things I was Able to do, that I wasn’t doing, and only because I didn’t know that I could! I was so comfortable with what I knew, that I didn’t want to put in the work to find out what I really needed to know.
And what I needed to know was that my comfort was crippling my capability!
Now, at the click of one button I can access all of my schedules (and finally avoid so many scheduling conflicts because who knew my phone could organize my dates in priority without my help?).
With one button I can check all of my email accounts. With one button I could have all of my social media sites on one page. I could even control what goes on in my house, while I’m away, all by my phone! And all of this was at my fingertips, but I was too complacent to grab a hold of its full capability!
Now, let’s see what the Bible has to say about this. Matthew 14:25-29, “And in the fourth watch of the night (3:00-6:00 a.m.) Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.
When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately He spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I! Do not be afraid!” Peter replied to Him, “Lord, if it is [really] You, command me to come to You on the water.” He said, “Come!” So Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus." (AMP).
All the disciples were trying to do is ride out the storm. But Peter suddenly got a glimpse of the power of his Master and of something supernatural he could do if he risked everything on Jesus. And suddenly Peter was doing what people don't do. He was walking on water!
Jesus may be preparing you to step up to something far more supernatural than you've ever been or you've ever done before. In fact, if you’re anything like me, He's made your heart restless for more so you would get out of the boat and start walking toward Him in an exciting new way.
Truth is, there are quite a few endeavors that I’ve had my heart set on for quite a while now.
Peter found out that day that if Jesus wants you to do it - no matter how beyond your capability it may be - He will give you whatever it takes to get it done!
A lot of our Christian lives are like my multi-faceted cellphone. We're settling for a level that is far below where we could be living. We're looking at all those spiritual buttons and gadgets.
Maybe we even know some other people who have already tapped into those capabilities, but we're settling for a powerless life when Christ in us wants to make our life absolutely powerful.
We're settling for the mediocre when we're wired for the miraculous.
Who knows what will happen if you finally decide to get out the boat and apply for the mortgage, the business, student or car loan.
Who knows what will happen if you finally decide to get out the boat and head that ministry or start a new one. Who knows what will happen if you finally decide to get out the boat and try that, or go there.
Truth is, being inside the boat, especially during a storm, seems like the safest, best and most comfortable, and sensible place to be.
But if Jesus isn’t in the boat, do you really think it’s the best place to be? If He’s outside the boat, even in the storm, don’t you think it’s better to be where Christ is than where your Cushion is?
You have the Holy Spirit of Almighty God living in you. You have backing you up the authority that Jesus has over everything in this universe. You have Jesus' resurrection power in your life.
Question is: So why aren’t you living like it? Are you settling for only pushing a couple of God's buttons when there are so many more that could open up a whole new frontier for you?
You need to be reading the Manual. You know that's the Bible, and you need to be reading it every single day. Not just for theology, not just for a lesson to teach or a Word to preach. But looking for the keys to powerful faith and then using them. And tell the Lord, "Lord, I want the "something more" you've made my heart hungry for.
Then surrender yourself in a new, fresh way to Him. With all the things that are going on in your life now, update that old surrender.
Let go of those areas that you've insisted on controlling. Get out of that safe little boat and dare to walk where you've never walked before!
Facts: You will never get THERE staying HERE! Selah! Yes, this requires chance, risks, the probability that it won’t work, even failure. And yet I challenge you to try it anyway!
Today, listen to what your manual is telling you:
Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With people [as far as it depends on them] it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (AMP);
Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,” (AMP).
Like my cellphone, when you read the manual (Bible), you’ll be amazed at all you’re capable of doing! So stop allowing your comfort to cripple your capability!
You never want fear and comfort to cause you to be unstable, because that will cause you to think ‘I can’t do this’; to feel like ‘I’m not strong enough to accomplish this’; and then make poor decisions like ‘let someone else who is more qualified attempt this.’
However, that’s not how your story is going to end! Today is the day you find your courage, your strength and your faith. Today is the day you deliberately decide I’m not staying in this comfort zone any longer. I may fall, I may fail, I may get it wrong, but I won’t get stuck in this place of mediocrity any longer. Today, I’m getting out of the boat!
Yes, I know no one has ever done it before; yes, I know it’s safer in the boat during the storm; yes, I know I’m taking a big risk and chance; yes, I know those who are in the boat are probably talking about me making the dumb decision to do something new, uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and different; yes, I know they’re sitting in the boat thinking I’m crazy for even trying this; yes, I know they’re waiting for me to sink so they can say I told you so; yes, I know getting out of the boat to walk on water is strange, nuts, odd, and even dangerous. AND YES, I’M STILL GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY! Selah!
Think of all the inventors and inventions. Can you imagine if they allowed the ridiculousness of doing something different to stop them from trying? We wouldn’t have lights, trains, planes, cars, computers, medicine, washing machines, or cellphones! People on transplant lists would just have to die because who’s crazy enough to try and replace a heart or kidney?
Saints, it’s a new day, a new month and it’s about to be a new year before you can blink an eye! Don’t you want better next year than this year? Well then, start now by doing something better! Do something different! Do something new, before the New Year even arrives!
So, this year, stretch yourself; challenge yourself; dare yourself; compete with yourself; push yourself; encourage yourself; motivate yourself!
Remember this: There Is No GROWTH In Comfort Zones; Only Stagnation! Ronald E. Osborn said, “Undertake something difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try something beyond what you have already mastered, you’ll never grow.”
You've allowed your comfort to cripple your full capability long enough. Now is the time to maximize everything God has given you! Now is the time to take full advantage of every door of opportunity God has opened just for you!
Which means, today is the day you: Write the book; write the screenplay; write the songs; travel the world; pitch that idea; work on the blueprints; open the business; start the ministry; utilize your gifts; go back to school; apply for the mortgage; apply for the loan; apply for the promotion; whatever you do, don't hide in fear and don't let the risk scare you!
The danger is not in the chance, it's in the comfort! And even if it's not a perfect start, any start is better than none.
Yes, there will be people who laugh, point fingers, spread gossip, but remember, those are the people still sitting in the boat!
You don't waste your valuable time arguing with people sitting in fear while you're walking by faith! You are over-due to encounter a miracle, so get out the boat and walk into it!
Remember our opening text: Proverbs 1:29-33, "...Carelessness Kills; Complacency is Murder..." (MSG) Every time you lazily allow the opportunity to do something greater pass you by, you're murdering your greatness; you're slaughtering your potential; you're destroying your hope and faith; you're killing parts of your future!
Today, determine to no longer abuse and misuse your gifts, talents, skill set, and anointing. Ask God to empower, encourage and inspire you to leave the comfort zone and to never return again!
And if you do, prepare yourself, because your comfort zone will not let you go easily.
It will tell you to be scared, it will tell you you're not good enough, it will tell you to wait until later, it will tell you someone else can do it better, it will tell you about all your past tries and failures, and still I say Walk Away From Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Calling! Fulfill All That God Has Called You to Be and Do.
Don't live this long walking with God only to die with regrets of what you could've, should've, would've done.
You’ve been HERE too long, today you’re moving over THERE!
“God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.” (Neal A. Maxwell)
Reflections Ministries / Calvin Wyatt / e-mail: [email protected]
Follow us Daily on Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn
“Your Comfort is Crippling Your Capability!”
Proverbs 1:29-33, "...Carelessness Kills; Complacency is Murder..." (MSG)
(Our guest writer for the Summer Edition is Dr Shermaine of SYS Ministries)
I have quite a few social media sites.
With that said, unfortunately it gives people the misconception that I’m Ms. Technology, when that couldn’t be further from the truth! For instance, as much as I use my cellphone, I know very little about how it really functions, or how to use it to its full capacity. And the reason why?
Because outside of making a call, receiving a call, or sending a text, I really don’t care to know much else! However, I’ve come to find out that is to my own loss. You see, truth is, there are so many buttons and gadgets that I really don’t want to take the time to figure them out.
Honestly, I look at them and simply ignore them. And what makes matters worse is that my phone wasn’t just handed to me. It came in a box with a Manual for Maximum Usage! Have I read the manual? Absolutely not!
Finally, I got tired of everybody telling me how awesome my phone is and all the great things it’s capable of doing.
So I enlisted the help of one of my IT guys to pick his brain. And to my amazement, I could not believe all the things I was Able to do, that I wasn’t doing, and only because I didn’t know that I could! I was so comfortable with what I knew, that I didn’t want to put in the work to find out what I really needed to know.
And what I needed to know was that my comfort was crippling my capability!
Now, at the click of one button I can access all of my schedules (and finally avoid so many scheduling conflicts because who knew my phone could organize my dates in priority without my help?).
With one button I can check all of my email accounts. With one button I could have all of my social media sites on one page. I could even control what goes on in my house, while I’m away, all by my phone! And all of this was at my fingertips, but I was too complacent to grab a hold of its full capability!
Now, let’s see what the Bible has to say about this. Matthew 14:25-29, “And in the fourth watch of the night (3:00-6:00 a.m.) Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.
When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately He spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I! Do not be afraid!” Peter replied to Him, “Lord, if it is [really] You, command me to come to You on the water.” He said, “Come!” So Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus." (AMP).
All the disciples were trying to do is ride out the storm. But Peter suddenly got a glimpse of the power of his Master and of something supernatural he could do if he risked everything on Jesus. And suddenly Peter was doing what people don't do. He was walking on water!
Jesus may be preparing you to step up to something far more supernatural than you've ever been or you've ever done before. In fact, if you’re anything like me, He's made your heart restless for more so you would get out of the boat and start walking toward Him in an exciting new way.
Truth is, there are quite a few endeavors that I’ve had my heart set on for quite a while now.
Peter found out that day that if Jesus wants you to do it - no matter how beyond your capability it may be - He will give you whatever it takes to get it done!
A lot of our Christian lives are like my multi-faceted cellphone. We're settling for a level that is far below where we could be living. We're looking at all those spiritual buttons and gadgets.
Maybe we even know some other people who have already tapped into those capabilities, but we're settling for a powerless life when Christ in us wants to make our life absolutely powerful.
We're settling for the mediocre when we're wired for the miraculous.
Who knows what will happen if you finally decide to get out the boat and apply for the mortgage, the business, student or car loan.
Who knows what will happen if you finally decide to get out the boat and head that ministry or start a new one. Who knows what will happen if you finally decide to get out the boat and try that, or go there.
Truth is, being inside the boat, especially during a storm, seems like the safest, best and most comfortable, and sensible place to be.
But if Jesus isn’t in the boat, do you really think it’s the best place to be? If He’s outside the boat, even in the storm, don’t you think it’s better to be where Christ is than where your Cushion is?
You have the Holy Spirit of Almighty God living in you. You have backing you up the authority that Jesus has over everything in this universe. You have Jesus' resurrection power in your life.
Question is: So why aren’t you living like it? Are you settling for only pushing a couple of God's buttons when there are so many more that could open up a whole new frontier for you?
You need to be reading the Manual. You know that's the Bible, and you need to be reading it every single day. Not just for theology, not just for a lesson to teach or a Word to preach. But looking for the keys to powerful faith and then using them. And tell the Lord, "Lord, I want the "something more" you've made my heart hungry for.
Then surrender yourself in a new, fresh way to Him. With all the things that are going on in your life now, update that old surrender.
Let go of those areas that you've insisted on controlling. Get out of that safe little boat and dare to walk where you've never walked before!
Facts: You will never get THERE staying HERE! Selah! Yes, this requires chance, risks, the probability that it won’t work, even failure. And yet I challenge you to try it anyway!
Today, listen to what your manual is telling you:
Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With people [as far as it depends on them] it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (AMP);
Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,” (AMP).
Like my cellphone, when you read the manual (Bible), you’ll be amazed at all you’re capable of doing! So stop allowing your comfort to cripple your capability!
You never want fear and comfort to cause you to be unstable, because that will cause you to think ‘I can’t do this’; to feel like ‘I’m not strong enough to accomplish this’; and then make poor decisions like ‘let someone else who is more qualified attempt this.’
However, that’s not how your story is going to end! Today is the day you find your courage, your strength and your faith. Today is the day you deliberately decide I’m not staying in this comfort zone any longer. I may fall, I may fail, I may get it wrong, but I won’t get stuck in this place of mediocrity any longer. Today, I’m getting out of the boat!
Yes, I know no one has ever done it before; yes, I know it’s safer in the boat during the storm; yes, I know I’m taking a big risk and chance; yes, I know those who are in the boat are probably talking about me making the dumb decision to do something new, uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and different; yes, I know they’re sitting in the boat thinking I’m crazy for even trying this; yes, I know they’re waiting for me to sink so they can say I told you so; yes, I know getting out of the boat to walk on water is strange, nuts, odd, and even dangerous. AND YES, I’M STILL GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY! Selah!
Think of all the inventors and inventions. Can you imagine if they allowed the ridiculousness of doing something different to stop them from trying? We wouldn’t have lights, trains, planes, cars, computers, medicine, washing machines, or cellphones! People on transplant lists would just have to die because who’s crazy enough to try and replace a heart or kidney?
Saints, it’s a new day, a new month and it’s about to be a new year before you can blink an eye! Don’t you want better next year than this year? Well then, start now by doing something better! Do something different! Do something new, before the New Year even arrives!
So, this year, stretch yourself; challenge yourself; dare yourself; compete with yourself; push yourself; encourage yourself; motivate yourself!
Remember this: There Is No GROWTH In Comfort Zones; Only Stagnation! Ronald E. Osborn said, “Undertake something difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try something beyond what you have already mastered, you’ll never grow.”
You've allowed your comfort to cripple your full capability long enough. Now is the time to maximize everything God has given you! Now is the time to take full advantage of every door of opportunity God has opened just for you!
Which means, today is the day you: Write the book; write the screenplay; write the songs; travel the world; pitch that idea; work on the blueprints; open the business; start the ministry; utilize your gifts; go back to school; apply for the mortgage; apply for the loan; apply for the promotion; whatever you do, don't hide in fear and don't let the risk scare you!
The danger is not in the chance, it's in the comfort! And even if it's not a perfect start, any start is better than none.
Yes, there will be people who laugh, point fingers, spread gossip, but remember, those are the people still sitting in the boat!
You don't waste your valuable time arguing with people sitting in fear while you're walking by faith! You are over-due to encounter a miracle, so get out the boat and walk into it!
Remember our opening text: Proverbs 1:29-33, "...Carelessness Kills; Complacency is Murder..." (MSG) Every time you lazily allow the opportunity to do something greater pass you by, you're murdering your greatness; you're slaughtering your potential; you're destroying your hope and faith; you're killing parts of your future!
Today, determine to no longer abuse and misuse your gifts, talents, skill set, and anointing. Ask God to empower, encourage and inspire you to leave the comfort zone and to never return again!
And if you do, prepare yourself, because your comfort zone will not let you go easily.
It will tell you to be scared, it will tell you you're not good enough, it will tell you to wait until later, it will tell you someone else can do it better, it will tell you about all your past tries and failures, and still I say Walk Away From Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Calling! Fulfill All That God Has Called You to Be and Do.
Don't live this long walking with God only to die with regrets of what you could've, should've, would've done.
You’ve been HERE too long, today you’re moving over THERE!
“God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.” (Neal A. Maxwell)
Reflections Ministries / Calvin Wyatt / e-mail: [email protected]
Follow us Daily on Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn